Thursday, January 29, 2009


The 27th annual Expolangues, an international language fair, was held January 14th to 17th in Paris. 25,200 visitors attended, representing 20 countries and 60 languages – and Language Routes was right there in the middle of all the action.

Some of the questions people often ask are about the voices on the audio learning guides. Are they native speakers? Do they speak at a normal speed or more slowly?

The answers are yes and both.

In order to have the most accurate and clear pronunciation and intonation, only native speaker voices are used on the audio learning guides. That way what you get is absolutely authentic.

But sometimes you need a warm-up to tune your ear to be able to understand language that is absolutely authentic. For this reason, you’ll find a mix of both slowed down speech in the listen and repeat exercises and normal speech rhythms in the conversational dialogues. It’s the best of both worlds.

Expolangues website:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spanish Coming Soon

There’s breaking news ahead – or should we say noticias de Ășltimo minuto? Language Routes will soon be introducing a line of Essentials in Spanish!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Charter Subscription

What if there was a way to jump start your language learning in 2009? A way to pick up new French vocabulary, cultural insights, tips and techniques, travel ideas and to stay up to date on news and events?

The Bien-dire magazine charter subscription was designed with you in mind.

Order a 2-year subscription (12 issues with CDs) and get 6 back issues with CDs as a bonus. This is a savings of over $85 off the publisher's regular subscription price. Full of interesting articles on France and French culture, Bien-dire helps you understand what it is to be French.

Bonne continuation!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Have you made your resolutions for language learning in 2009? Here’s one to consider: Learn the polite way.

The French, for example, are a very formal people. There are unspoken rules of how to start and end conversations, how to discuss and debate topics and much more. That's where our Bien-Dire Essential La Politesse comes in. La Politesse cracks those codes for you. There are sample dialogues, as always, but our favorite part is the 'Savez-vous que?' tidbits scattered throughout. These enrich your understanding of the dialogues by explaining the 'why' behind each of the codes.

If you want to learn the polite way in English, check out the Go English Essential Polite English. Oh, I mean, "Please, check it out."