Monday, April 25, 2011

NEW issue of Bien-dire is here!

Bien-dire n°76
mai-juin 2011

Une partie à la française

Le Beaujolais : la Toscane française
France : où en est l’égalité des sexes ?
Connaissez-vous bien Paris ?
La vache qui rit, fromage historique
Pique-nique à la française
Des amours de Périgord
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, le favori
La presse française
Comment corriger une erreur ?
Entre président et Premier ministre

Bien-dire is a magazine that is written for you, and remains the only magazine written and created in France for learners of French. Order this issue and its audio CD from Language Routes (prices in $) or from Editions Entrefilet (prices in €)

NEW issue of Go English magazine is here!

Go English n°48
May-June 2011

Simply English!

A Royal event
Fun in the USA
A British picnic
American culture
Popular expressions
British festivals
10 words to know
Let’s talk money!

Also inside: Tongue Twisters, Grammar Pages, Business Matters, British Humour, Numbers Talking...

Order this issue and its audio CD from Language Routes (payment in $) or from Editions Entrefilet (payment in €).

NEW! Magazine for children learning English

J'apprends l'anglais n°31
May-June 2011
Recipe – butter
Farm animals – What do they say in English?
Vocabulary – farm animals and their babies

J’apprends l’Anglais is a bi-monthly magazine for French-speaking children learning English. Order this issue from Editions Entrefilet and download its free MP3 audio files here.

Bonus: Free interactive English exercises for children - with audio!