The Modern Language Association has developed a Language Map generator based on US Census data. The result? Très cool.

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of speakers of all languages other than English combined
In just a few clicks you can find out which languages are spoken in your county or ZIP code, where the highest concentration of speakers of a certain language are found, and even the number and percentage of speakers per language. Maps can be generated from data covering more than 30 languages.
Let's take it for a spin, shall we?

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of French-speakers

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of Spanish-speakers

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of Korean-speakers

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of speakers of African languages

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of Italian-speakers
To find out which languages spoken in your area, visit the Language Map generator here. Who knows? It might generate an interest in learning one of your 'local languages'!

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of speakers of all languages other than English combined
In just a few clicks you can find out which languages are spoken in your county or ZIP code, where the highest concentration of speakers of a certain language are found, and even the number and percentage of speakers per language. Maps can be generated from data covering more than 30 languages.
Let's take it for a spin, shall we?

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of French-speakers

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of Spanish-speakers

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of Korean-speakers

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of speakers of African languages

(c) MLA
Highest concentrations of Italian-speakers
To find out which languages spoken in your area, visit the Language Map generator here. Who knows? It might generate an interest in learning one of your 'local languages'!
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