Issue 52 of English Now magazine is in the newsstands across France! (Of course, it's also available from our website.) English Now is different from any other language learning magazine in that it its articles are written specifically for French-speakers learning English who are at beginner to intermediate level.
Each page has keywords translated into French. No need for a dictionary here - we've done it for you. Also, the feature articles are available in CD format with 60+ minutes of audio read by native English speakers from Britain, the US and Australia to help the learner tune their ear to different accents.
So what's in this issue?
- learn about a real American Thanksgiving.
- get key vocabulary for shopping in English.
- read about Guy Fawkes and the plot to blow up the House of Parliament
- practice using prepositions.
- meet a hang glider pilot, a pumpkin farmer and a production technician.
- keep up-to-date on the latest news from English-speaking countries.
- learn vocabulary for talking about your family.
- find out how to ask about day-trips from London.
- learn different ways to
- get an idea of what Americans and Britons do on Sundays.
- test your comprehension with exercises.
- get all the information you need to have the best Halloween ever!
Plus, learn over 300 keywords in this issue!
Find out more here, or join us on Facebook.

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