Monday, April 27, 2009

La fête des langues 2009 !

The 32nd annual Fête des Langues, organized by the Centre d’Animation en Langues in Brussels, was held this weekend.

The Fête brings together people from many nationalities to celebrate the wide variety and richness of cultures represented in Belgium. The weekend events include over 50 workshops in 20 languages, as well as internnational music and dance performances.

Even if you're not in Brussels, you can join in the celebration. You could host an international dinner featuring dishes from around the world, or even choose a specific region or country. Not much of a kitchen star? How about an international game night? Awale, boules, or conquian anyone?

© L'édition 2008 de la Fête des Langues

© L'édition 2008 de la Fête des Langues

© L'édition 2008 de la Fête des Langues

1 comment:

  1. they celebrate it here in Lyon throughout the months of May and June. The elementary schools attend one of the day-long Fête des Langues that are held throughout the region. Spotlighted languages are English and German.
